The couvent de Malet

The Community

About 10 religious  sisters from the congregation of the Roman union ursulines, inspired by Sté Angele merici live in Malet. Indifferent manners they contributeto the welcoming of the guests. They are always happy to talk to share and to tell what their life is like and are always at the disposal a persons wishing to have a chat with them.

Usual church service times

The community invites you to share its prayers if you wish :

  • 7h30 Laudes
  • 18h Mass on  Wednesdays and on other days depending on the availability  of the priest  Or vêpres at 18:30 any other days
  • 20h15 Complies
La Communauté  Malet, lieu de vie de Religieuses de la Congrégation des Ursulines de l’Union Romaine

The story

L'histoire de l’Accueil du Couvent de Malet est intimement liée à l'évolution de la Congrégation des Sœurs Ursulines.

A boarding school (1870 – 1965)

The history of the couvent de Malet  is intimately linked to the evolution of the ursulines sisters  congregation A boarding school Founded in 1806 the Ursuline sisters congregation of Malet is first dedicated to educate young girls. 

That’s Why the sisters began to build a boarding school achieved in 1870.  More than being a simple comprehensive or grammar school , the  boarding school ensures that the young girls are able to rule a home and become good wives Everything was peaceful until laws about the separation of church and state are  voted at the beginning of the 20th century. The laws of 1904 and 1905 dissolve the religious congregations. The ursulines sisters have to close their schools. After enduring many difficulties, the boarding school can open again in 1928 and the pupils can come back.

Finally, in 1965, the management of Catholic schooling asks the boarding school to close and to mix with a school located in espalion, a city close to st come.

A time for questioning (1965 – 1985)

A Lay Community : le Buisson Ardent (1985 – 2000)

Meeting area Angèle Mérici (2004 - 2023)

Our project

After the arrival of the sisters of the Roman union , during the winter of 2022 2023, we began to think about how to give a new life to the project of the meeting area Sté Angèle.

In September 2023, the place was named  accueil du couvent de Malet and adopts a new principle : welcome meet and share

At accueil du couvent de Malet you can have a peaceful stay in the spirit of fraternal share, and a qualitative welcoming.  Each person is listened to and highly considered before going back on the path.

The activities in this house are seeking to follow the Laudato si dynamics developed by pape François. It promotes true ecology, respect of the natural environment, of all the human beings, and relationships without barriers.

Malet, 9 centuries of tradition

Film directed by Daniel BORZAKIAN (October 2023)

The association

The association meeting area Angèle merici was created  in 2011. It is necessary for the management  of the guest house, and for financial,  regulatory and administrative needs. This association is lead by an administrative council made of religious sisters and secular people.

A team of employees, seasonal employees and volunteers invest to make this place live  the team.

The team

Each day we try to make people feel welcome and when they go, we want them to have a smile on their face and a feeling of quietness.

It’s a real happiness to welcome you with my smile and my singing accent with simplicity and goodwill.

l’Accueil du Couvent de Malet

l’Accueil du Couvent de Malet

Saint-Côme-d'Olt - Aveyron